Wednesday, June 15, 2011


My Great-Aunt Julie was having excruciating headaches. She went to the doctor. She was diagnosed with cancer. Three weeks ago. Her funeral was today.

Too often in life we wait for the "special" moments to take out the camera. We capture memories of big events: first steps, vacations to Disney, graduations, marriages. We forget the in-between moments are what makes life, well, worth living.

Each day is a gift. Each day is one to be cherished. Now is the time.

That's what I thought as I took these shots of the kiddies at bedtime last night. They were playing on my bed. Just a regular night. Nothing "special" but absolutely everything.

"Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee." - Montaigne

1 comment:

Christa said...

I LOVE these photos of the girls :)