Wednesday, January 04, 2012


After Jamie's grandmother passed away on Boxing day, we were all, of course, very sad. Nothing can take away the sadness that is felt when a dear loved one parts from this life.

The next day, Jamie called home to tell me about a horrific story out of Connecticut, that struck close to home, literally, as the grandmother invovled in this tragedy was originally from Newfoundland.

You can read the story here.

As I read the news article, I wept, and suddenly felt so extremely grateful over my sadness for Nan. I know that sounds silly. I don't want to take away from any sadness felt over Nan, because it is completely genuine. But it's the truth. I felt like it was the best death anyone could wish for. Nan was 86 years old. She had a good life, lived to a good age, and died surrounded by a loving family. Her death was, for lack of a better description, truly a good one.

In stark constrast, this one woman, on Christmas morning, lost absolutely everything important in the world. She lost her parents and her children. Five members of her immediate family gone. Gone just like that. And I really cried. I don't know this family at all. But I cried with the reminder that life is so fragile. It is a gift not to be taken for granted. Whether old or young, when death comes, it is instant, and it changes those who are living forever.

Mostly, I want it to be a lesson to cherish my family. If this house burns down, there is nothing inside that cannot be replaced. But my children. They are my life and my joy. And with that, I want to share them with you, in their Christmas finest.

Christmas Eve Church Service

Christmas Eve matching pj's

1 comment:

Christa said...

Love the pics of the girls. Just catching up on your posts again