Thursday, July 06, 2006

Save your Scissors

Not that I like this song particularly but it's playing on the radio now and I needed at title for this post.

Anyways, just wanted to let you know that there are a bunch more pics of our girls cottage weekend on Christa's blog for your perusal. Good times!

Also, I forgot to mention and post pics of Logan's baptism we attended 2 weekends ago. Logan would be Mark and Kayla Knott's little man. I was quite pleased with a few of my shots. Unfortunately I'm really an amateur and it takes about 50 shots for me to get a good one thing I have a digital to delete all the bad ones!
Logan with Mommy, Daddy, and Godparents, Kelly and Rick

Congrats from the Priest

Logan in his little white suit almost always chewing on his hands...cute

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