Saturday, May 28, 2005

Ruined Dress Entry #3

Vicki's seamstress was unable to fix the dress. She was very nice though, a cute little chinese lady who kept saying "I canno fits, I'm sowwy ma dear".

Grace (coworker) recommended that I visit her dressmaker in Georgetown. Again, she had a "cannot fix" response. She did have a possible solution, however. The dress currently has embroidery running down the side. She suggested that I buy the silver thread, beads, etc. and she could try and continue the embroidery to cover over the spots where the threads are pulled. I'm usually a very visual person but told her that I cannot picture this working (and looking good) for the life of me. She said not to worry. We will try it... as it stands, the dress is unwearable to me anyways.

I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Quirky Christa said...

It's all going to work out Myrna my patient and faithful :)